Friday 23 December 2011

Week 3, Merry Christmas from Porter Davis

We received a little Christmas surprise from Porter Davis, exactly 4 days after the slab had been poured.....

A whopping big bill for the base stage!

We knew it was coming, but hey, I thought perhaps Christmas may have brought a little delay :)

Monday 19 December 2011

Week 2, Day 14 - Slab Pour

We were very excited to hear the guys over at the block today, especially when the concrete pumping truck arrived!  They worked all day, with truck after truck arriving at the site.

Thankfully, the rain held off throughout the pouring and burnishing, which was a bit of a concern for us at this stage in the construction because we have decided to go with a polished concrete flooring (unless we chicken out!).  We've been told that rain during the pouring, along with hot sun whilst curing can impact on the finish that we get at the end.  It's better if it dries slowly rather than quickly.

This will be the last we see of the builders, due to the Christmas and New Year break, with framing due to commence on January 9th.

Friday 16 December 2011

Week 2, Day 11 - Waffles down

Today saw the waffles and reo put in place ready for the concrete pour which we are guessing will happen on Monday.

We were wondering how the termite protection was installed and at what stage it is done, which our SS has told us has been partly done at this point (the black sheeting under the waffles and reo).

Thursday 15 December 2011

Week 2, Day 10 - Pre-Slab

This morning, the guys were at it nice and early and have marked out the house on the block.  The timber framing for the slab has been laid, along with the sheets of plastic that form the base.  Given my lack of build-tech-speak, I'll just call everything by names that it looks like to me!

The foam blocks were delivered last night, which is what that big pile of "stuff" is on the site!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Week 2, Day 9 - Piers

The concrete piers were done today, 35 of them in fact!  They don't look that big in these images, but they are HUGE!

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Week 2, Day 8 - Plumbing and Electricial

Plumbing and electrical were completed today.  Doesn't look like much here, but an incredible amount of work has been done underneath all of this!

Monday 12 December 2011

Week 1, Day 7 - It's a Duck Pond

After the enormous down pour on the weekend, the site has become a bit of a duck pond!  The cut for the porch and garage are full of water!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Week 1, Day 1 - Excavation

Day 1 came a day early for us, with an early morning phone call from the Site Supervisor (SS) informing us that the guys were there ready to work.

The surveyor was there placing pegs and marking the land in the morning, then suddenly we could hear machinery.

You're probably wondering why we could "hear" machinery!  We are currently living only a couple of doors down which is great because we get the chance to have a quick peek to see what's happening!

Here are a few shots from early in the day when the excavators first started the cut....

And some of the block after the cut and fill had been completed...

Monday 5 December 2011

One last look before we start

Here is one last look at our land before the site is excavated on Wednesday 7th of December.  

The buildings that you can see are our existing 4-car garage and the bungalow which after much deliberation, we decided to keep.  Keeping the garage was a no-brainer, with Scott very excited to call it his 'Toy Box'.  I'm not really sure what toys he has in mind though!

The land size is just over 1000 square metres, with a lovely wide street frontage of 25mt, and a length of 50mt.  It's hard to tell by these images, but it goes way back with a mini jungle for the kids to play in.